November 10, 2011

Anatomy or Anthropology??

Author: Say BuzzCategory: Mad Science

How to analyze humans? Are we divine beings or we are just effect of evolution?

Humans are animals, specifically mammals belonging to the “orden of primates”. In other words humans are crazy intelligent monkeys... What does it mean? A human body is a biological point. But as well every other living animal is a biological point, with a difference in the developed brain structures and in the quantity of hair in all body! According to Darwin’s theory, every animal is brought to survive and to reproduct, so we can imagine also that a body itself is shaped on these needs and attitudes, and the brain itself works in the way it is structured.

But what happens when an animal has already satisfied all needs? 
He doesn’t need to eat, drink or other things.. so in this moment he will start playing with everything he finds interesting around just for fun. “Fun”, playing with the reality for hundreds centuries, animals evoluted in their ways developing particularities based on their attitudes and qualities. Humans developed very sophisticated skills of calculation,language, discernment.

Reality is something that can be understood in many 
different ways by the different animals. Based on the inner analisys of the perception, the brain directly identify the reality around and this is a common thing for all the beings with a nervous sistem. When we talk about humans, we describe very complex animals, above all when we describe the mechanism of the brain working.

After many years trying to understand how is possible that humans are 
incredibly more intelligent than all the other animals in earth, we still don’t have a definitive answer. So what the hell happened to Humans?

Of course our brain cortex is much more developed, but still we have the 99% of the our DNA completely equal to that one of a chimpanzee. But chimpanzee didn’t develop the language skills of humans, and neither a great counsciousness, neither more other things like we are incredibly more attractive, and we don’t stink, and yeah.. of course i would never go with a monkey...

Humans never understood how this great comprehension of the reality was
possible, so it seemed to be a miracle.. (from here the topic can end anywhere in
any historical time, but let’s move on...) An important knowledge to talk about the behavior in humans is understanding that we are part of a evolution of the nature. So we follow the same features. For example, our brain is of course the most developed, but it comes from an ancestral nervous sistem like it is for all the other animals. The nervous sistem developed so well in this way because it worked for the surviving. Human brain is structured in the same way of the other animals and for this reason we experiment on mouses or cats or whatever, cause their brain is incredibly similar to ours. Rita Levi Montalcini is a glorious scientist, she was awarded with a nobel prize for an important discovery. She was able to find and to describe the NGF (Neuronal Grow Factor). This is a short molecule that work during developing of the brain to guide it during its growing. In humans it is probably something like this that lead to the develop of our intelligence. The almost centenary Rita Levi talks so well about it, remembering repetitively the importance of the Neocortex in the developing of the brain. All this description is just to say that we are built in a very similar way to all the other animals, and we have same brain structures of reptiles and kangaroos but we have more ability in perception and in analisys of the reality.

According to this scientific point of view, it seems that human being is only part of a evolution course, and that this is a process in continuous change and develop. So we can hypothetically say that  also our behaviour is determined biologically... it is true, we all share needs and behaviours so common between everyone, and between humans and animals as well, cause of the affinity between different sides of the nature itself.

The most difficult question is what in the end are the feelings? Are they part of evolution as well? Should we really think they just come out from the developing of neocortex like Rita Levi could say? And what about the idea of counsciousness or the imagination? Can we really think they’re only made by electrical neuroconnections? We all can basically describe the reality with method, so yes we are biological beings, and what we know is true, but our nature has something more and very deep that is not possible to describe in scientific words. Feelings are objectively spiritual and are the deepest sensations that more caracterize human beings. Science will be able to explain the mechanisms for everything but it will never tell the reason why things are in this way, and also in anyway we observe the human behaviour both from the anatomical to the anthropological point of view, we will never be able to deeply comprehend all secrets staying behind our

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